Friday, April 24, 2009

An eye opener for us!

Salam'alaik to all readers...

masya Allah... i just finished watching video on our new brothers and sisters who had just converted to Islam. May Allah bless all of gives me goosebumps whenever i heard them saying about why do they convert to Islam. and some of the muslim women who had just converted had already wear a niqab.. subhanallah..and they are not embarass or afraid to the non muslims. furthermore, most of the converts are americans, autralians and many more. and yet they still practices Islam perfectly.

Masya Allah... i felt ashamed of myself.. the muslims in other coutries such as americans and all that are protecting Islam.. they defend for Islam.. they speak up for Islam.. and yet, what about us??? who live in the asian countries.
who actually could practice Islam well and better than them. but what have we done my dear brothers and sisters?? we are drowned by the plan of the kuffar! they give us the television to make us watch their programmes that they made. so that our Iman will be decrease and we forget to do our prayers. we forget the Almighty Allah s.w.t.
they make us lazy to read and memorise the Quran.. they make us memorise the songs and lyrics..they make us feel that Islam is an uncivilised religion. those who wears hijab is an outdated women!! well, you know what, that's absolutely not true!!

Do you know that 3000 muslims converted from Islam to christian and whatsoever every year? it's a huge sum isn't it?

but do you know that there are 20,000 non muslims who converts to Islam every year? and 30,000 inmates are converting to Islam too each year... subhanallah... Allah had double the sum of the Muslims! much more than what we expected.

so, my dear brothers and sisters, wake up from your fantasy. we live in this world for only a short period of time. repent from your sinful deeds. don't wait any longer.becoz you will never know when you'll die. my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, rise up for Islam. it's our religion! be proud of it!. practice what had been obligated to us. don't let the kuffar mess up with our religion.

til here, let your Iman increase not decrease it!



  1. salam Qurr,

    May Allah makes our heart content.
    It is a true fact that many non-muslims convert to islam..alhamdulillah and insyaAllah, one of my relative will embrace Islam.

    and I remembered in Singapore actually the no of muslim is bigger as what I was told by sir Kamar , although the population of races conquered by chinese.(if im not mistaken)
    But to relate this issue with 'Islam is the way of life' Im quite afraid and moreover sad;
    bcoz this was what Rasulullah s.a.w. told us about akhir zaman: Muslim akhir zaman are in big numbers but they are just bubles in the sea. Their enemies are not afraid of them(muslims) anymore.(or kama Qal)

    just a thoughht from me:)
    wallahu a'alam.

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